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Domestic intermodal volume up 12% in 2Q

   Domestic intermodal volume grew 12.5 percent year-on-year in the second quarter of 2012, according to the Intermodal Association of North America’s Intermodal Market Trends & Statistics report, released today.
   Volume during the quarter reached nearly 1.4 million units, and nearly matched the 14.9 percent growth seen in the first quarter.
   “Growth at this pace is exceptional during any quarter, but this gain is even more remarkable due to the softening economic climate,” said IANA President and Chief Executive Officer Joni Casey.
   International intermodal volume climbed 3.9 percent to nearly 2 million units during the second quarter, the higher volume for the second quarter – in absolute terms – since 2008.
   Meanwhile, intermodal marketing companies (IMCs) extended their strong intermodal performance into the second quarter, with a 9.7 percent surge in volume, nearly attaining a second straight quarter of double-digit gains.
   “Continued gains in rail-supplied domestic container volume helped boost IMC intermodal growth,” IANA said. “Although private containers still dominate the big box segment with about two-thirds of total volume, rail-supplied containers hit record volume levels in Q2, topping 440,000 total loads.”
   The transportation analyst FTR Associates, however, noted in late July that domestic intermodal has actually stopped growing in the last couple months, when adjusted seasonally.
   FTR is projecting 4.7 percent total intermodal growth in 2012 and 4.5 percent growth in 2013. – Eric Johnson