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Group opposes Jones Act exemption for Puerto Rico

   The American Maritime Partnership (AMP) said it opposes legislation introduced by Puerto Rico Resident Commissioner Pedro Pierluisi to relax the U.S.-build requirement of the Jones Act for bulk vessels operating in the Puerto Rico trade.
   “The Pierliusi bill would weaken U.S. national defense and undermine the investments made by American vessel owners and operators,” said AMP, a group whose membership includes shipping companies, shipyards, suppliers to the industry and labor unions.
   Pierluisi’s bill “would directly undermine America’s national security,” AMP added.
   “More specific to Mr. Pierliusi’s concern regarding the availability of natural gas to Puerto Rico, there are fully compliant American vessels eligible to transport Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) once Puerto Rico develops the capacity to receive it,” AMP said. “There are also special provisions of law that already allow LNG to move to the island on foreign vessels from the U.S. Whether it is LNG or any other cargo needed by the Puerto Rican people, the American maritime industry stands ready to work with the Commissioner to ensure that the demand is met.” – Chris Dupin

Chris Dupin

Chris Dupin has written about trade and transportation and other business subjects for a variety of publications before joining American Shipper and Freightwaves.