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FWI: Cargo criminals becoming more ‘sophisticated’

Average value of cargo thefts increased 36% in 2014, according to a new report from FreightWatch International.

   According to a new report from the FreightWatch International Supply Chain Intelligence Center, 794 cargo thefts occurred in the United States during 2014, 12 percent fewer than 2013.
   The 12 percent decrease in thefts was offset, however, by a 36 percent increase in the average value of cargo thefts. Average value for cargo thefts was $232,924 in 2014.
   The logistics security service provider said of its 2014 United States Annual Cargo Theft Report, “Cargo criminals continue to evolve in response to the efforts of industry and Law Enforcement in the United States. The major trend identified by the FreightWatch International Supply Chain Intelligence Center (FWI SCIC) for 2014 was that criminals were becoming more sophisticated.
   “The threat of cargo theft continues to grow in the United States due to increased organization and innovation on the part of cargo thieves,” FWI added.  “This evolution is illustrated by the 36% rise in average value which suggests organized thieves offset the lack of access to a high quantity of shipments by targeting higher value merchandise.”