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Commerce sets duties on cold-rolled steel imports

The Commerce Department has announced its preliminary determinations for its countervailing duty (CVD) investigations of certain cold-rolled steel flat products from Brazil, China, India and Russia.

   The Commerce Department has announced its preliminary determinations for its countervailing duty (CVD) investigations of certain cold-rolled steel flat products from Brazil, China, India and Russia.
   Countervailable subsidies are financial assistance from foreign governments to their domestic industries to promote exports at the exclusion of imports. 
   In its countervailing duty investigation, Commerce found imports of cold-rolled steel from South Korea posed no significant threat to U.S. industry.
   In the Brazil investigation, Commerce determined Companhia Siderurgica Nacional and Usinas Siderurgicas de Minas Gerais both received a subsidy rate of 7.42 percent, while other Brazilian producers/exporters were assigned a preliminary subsidy rate of 7.42 percent.
   For China, Commerce found that Angang Group Hong Kong Co., Ltd. and Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Special Steel Co., Ltd. and, a non-cooperative exporter, Qian’an Golden Point Trading Co., Ltd., received subsidy rates of 227.29 percent. All other Chinese exporters of certain cold-rolled steel flat products will be subject to a subsidy rate of 227.29 percent. 
   Commerce in its India investigation determined that JSW Steel Ltd. and its cross-owned affiliate JSW Coated Products Ltd. received subsidy rate of
4.45 percent. All other Indian producers/exporters were also assigned a preliminary subsidy rate of 4.45 percent.
   In its Russia investigation, Commerce preliminarily determined that Novolipetsk Steel OJSC (NLMK), Novex Trading, Altai-Koks OJSC, Dolomite OJSC, Stoilensky OJSC, Studenovskaya (Stagdok) OJSC, Trading House LLC, Vtorchermet NLMK LLC, Vtorchermet OJSC, and Vtorchermet NLMK Center LLC (collectively, the NLMK Companies) received a subsidy rate of 6.33 percent and PAO Severstal, Severstal Export GmbH, JSC Karelsky Okatysh, AO OLKON, AO Vorkutaugol, and JSC Vtorchermet (known collectively as the Severstal Cos.) received a subsidy rate of 0.01 percent, which is de minimis. 
   As a result of its preliminary determinations for Brazil, China, India, and Russia, Commerce will instruct Customs and Border Protection to require cash deposits based on these preliminary rates for imports of cold-rolled flat steel products from these countries. 
   The petitioners for these investigations are AK Steel Corp. in Ohio, ArcelorMittal USA of Illinois, Nucor Corp. in North Carolina, Steel Dynamics of Indiana, and U.S. Steel Corp. in Pennsylvania.

Chris Gillis

Located in the Washington, D.C. area, Chris Gillis primarily reports on regulatory and legislative topics that impact cross-border trade. He joined American Shipper in 1994, shortly after graduating from Mount St. Mary’s College in Emmitsburg, Md., with a degree in international business and economics.