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Freight projects on the drawing board for San Pedro Bay ports and outside their gates

(partial list): 

  • Southern California International Gateway – the Port of Los Angeles released its draft environmental impact report (EIR) for the BNSF near-dock intermodal facility in September and will hold public meetings on the project Nov. 10 and 16.
  • Union Pacific International Container Transfer Facility — the railroad is expanding the facility’s capacity and installing green locomotives and other technology. A joint powers authority of the two cities is expected to publish a draft EIR next year.
  • Long Beach’s Pier S — the proposal to develop 160 acres of vacant land on Terminal Island into a container terminal. A draft EIR was issued in September.
  • Middle Harbor Redevelopment — $1 billion project to combine two older terminals into a single, modern terminal in Long Beach. Project will upgrade wharfs, water access and storage areas, and greatly expand on-dock rail.
  • Gerald Desmond Bridge — $950 million project to replace the 43-year-old bridge. The California Transportation Commission a year ago approved the Port of Long Beach’s plan to fund and build a new bridge with a higher clearance for giant containerships and a wider roadway. The bridge is a major thoroughfare for trucks servicing the ports and for commuters. The California Department of Transportation says it plans to award a contract in mid-2012 and begin construction of a new structure towards the end of the year. The project is expected to take five years to complete.
  • TraPac Terminal expansion — Los Angeles.