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U.S. Chamber praises anti-counterfeiting bill

U.S. Chamber praises anti-counterfeiting bill

   The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, long a champion of anti-counterfeiting efforts and intellectual property protection, has strongly endorsed a new anti-counterfeiting bill in the Senate.

   The bill, S. 1699, was introduced by Sen. Arlen Specter, D-Pa., and Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt. The legislation would close the loopholes that allow counterfeiters to avoid prosecution and profit from illegal activities.

   Specifically, the bill strengthens anti-counterfeiting laws by prohibiting trafficking in counterfeit labels, patches, stickers, hang tags, or medallions that are unattached to goods. In addition, it calls for mandatory forfeiture and destruction of counterfeit goods, as well as the assets to produce, package and distribute them.

   U.S. Chamber of Commerce director of public affairs Mike Zaneis said, 'Without adequate laws to aid in prosecution, these criminal acts will continue to hurt American businesses and our economy.'