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Miles named director for Port of Indiana-Jeffersonville

Jeff Miles, who recently worked as a senior executive with the North Carolina State Ports Authority and a native Indianan, will serve as director of the Port of Indiana-Jeffersonville.

   Jeff Miles, who recently worked as a senior executive with the North Carolina State Ports Authority, has been picked to serve as director of the Port of Indiana-Jeffersonville.
   A native Indianan, Miles brings to the port more than 30 years of port and maritime transportation experience. He worked at the North Carolina State Ports Authority from 2005 to 2017, where held positions of chief operating officer, deputy executive director and interim CEO.
   Prior to that, Miles worked 10 years as general manager of container operations at the South Carolina State Ports Authority, and three years as president of a marine terminal company specializing in bulk and breakbulk cargoes.
   “Jeff’s extensive port operations and leadership experience, coupled with his background in strategic planning, perfectly position our Jeffersonville port for continued growth,” said Ports of Indiana CEO Rich Cooper, in a statement.
   The Port of Indiana-Jeffersonville handles more than 2 million tons of cargo per year in the Louisville metro area for the auto, appliance and agriculture industries. Situated along the Ohio River, the port is one of three operated by the Ports of Indiana.
   Miles took over from Scott Stewart, who left the Port of Indiana-Jeffersonville in early January after six years to spend more time on community development and charitable projects, the port authority said.

Chris Gillis

Located in the Washington, D.C. area, Chris Gillis primarily reports on regulatory and legislative topics that impact cross-border trade. He joined American Shipper in 1994, shortly after graduating from Mount St. Mary’s College in Emmitsburg, Md., with a degree in international business and economics.