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MarAd Panama Canal, marine highways workshops

MarAd Panama Canal, marine highways workshops

   The U.S. Maritime Administration has announced a series of public listening sessions and workshops related to the expansion of the Panama Canal and the U.S. marine highway program.

   The meetings serve as a forum for the maritime industry to present its views and concerns on critical issues that MarAd should consider in the development of its comprehensive study of the 2014 Panama Canal expansion project and during its efforts to explore opportunities to incorporate America’s marine highways into the national transportation system.

   'The U.S. government may leverage the Panama Canal expansion effort to optimize financial investments in U.S. ports and inland infrastructure,' MarAd said. 'Expansion of the Panama Canal will require new capital investments in transportation infrastructure by both the private and public sectors.'

   Topics of discussions related to America’s marine highways initiatives will include corridors, connections and crossings, program projects and initiatives, intermodal connectivity, and public/private partnerships, the agency said.

   The first session will take place in San Francisco on Sept. 22, followed by New York on Sept. 27. Those planning to attend must access the Web site by Sept. 14. Space is limited to the first 150 registrants. After registering, an e-mail confirmation will be forwarded with an agenda and other related information, MarAd said.