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Labor walk-off at Port of New York/New Jersey marine terminals

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey has asked that trucks not be sent to terminals after dockworkers reportedly walked off the job Friday morning.

 (Update: The Port of New York and New Jersey said that gates at marine terminals are expected to open as scheduled on Monday and that full operations are being restored after longshoremen walked off the job Friday morning. 
   On Friday night, t
he leadership of the International Longshoremen’s Association, urged its rank and file members in the port to accept orders and return to work immediately..
   The New York Shipping Association, which negotiates the local contract for employers with the ILA the unauthorized walkout was “extremely disruptive and in violation of the NYSA-ILA Collective Bargaining Agreement.”
   In a statement issued Friday night, the NYSA said an emergency contract board meeting was held at 3 p.m. Friday afternoon, which resulted in a deadlock.
   “An arbitrator issued an award finding that the work stoppage was a violation of the no strike provision in the contract and ordering the officers of the ILA and its constituent locals in the port to inform their members of the same. During this time discussions took place between the ILA and NYSA with regard to outstanding issues concerning chassis, jurisdiction, hiring and technology. It was agreed to expeditiously seek solutions to these longstanding issues.The ILA urged their members to return to work and we expect operations to resume this evening.”
   Jim McNamara, spokesman for the International Longshoremen’s Association said union leaders are trying to get members to return to work. In addition to complaints by longshore workers about the Waterfront Commission of New York Harbor, he said there have been concerns expressed  by some about possible future outsourcing of chassis maintenance.
   The Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) expressed dismay about the walkout, saying “the unexpected strike has retailers concerned that a prolonged strike could hamper economic growth and wreak havoc on spring deliveries. A slowdown last year on the West Coast created a logistical nightmare for American exporters, manufacturers and retailers that depend on our nations’ supply chain to move goods across the country.”
   “This is déjà vu for retailers, and an unwelcome start to 2016. A shutdown on the East Coast of any meaningful duration will have dire consequences for those dependent on spring inventory deliveries,” said Kelly Kolb, vice president of government affairs for the RILA. “A long-lasting strike would ultimately impact thousands of jobs along America’s supply chain.”
   “Given recent unrest in the markets, a self-inflicted wound like this is also the last thing the economy needs,” said Kolb. “Hopefully this walkout will be resolved quickly and operations will be back to normal on Monday.” )
The Port of New York and New Jersey said Friday morning, “There is an apparent labor walk off at all PONYNJ terminals” and that there were no truck operations at this time.
   “All efforts to resume activity will be undertaken,” it said.
   It added in a notice posted on its website that “Due to the current work stoppage in the port, no new trucks will be allowed to queue on port roadways. Do not send trucks the Port at this time.”
   It was not immediately clear what had caused the dispute.
   Jim McNamara, director of public relations for the International Longshoremen’s Association said he was trying to find out the reason for the walkout, but told American Shipper in an email, “Word I’m hearing from some ILA members I reached is that they are protesting against Waterfront Commission’s interference in hiring and other parts of ILA-NYSA Collective Bargaining agreement.”
   Beverly Fedorko of the New York Shipping Association, which negotiates the local contract with the ILA said, “We are in the process of trying to understand the reason for what appears to be a walkout and will take every measure available to ensure work resumes.”
   The Port Authority also released a statement, in which it said, “As the agency that oversees the largest port complex on the East Coast, we strongly urge the ILA members to return to work immediately and resolve their differences after they return. In the meantime, Port Authority Police are actively working to ensure public safety for all of the stakeholders at the port.”

Chris Dupin

Chris Dupin has written about trade and transportation and other business subjects for a variety of publications before joining American Shipper and Freightwaves.