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Continued heavy growth expected for Florida’s future

Continued heavy growth expected for FloridaÆs future

Economic forecasters believe the population of the southern half of Florida will increase by another 60-plus percent by 2030, and the transportation infrastructure will be feeling the strain.

   That was one of the facts presented during a forum on freight congestion at the Intermodal Expo Tuesday in Fort Lauderdale.

   Pointing out growth hotspots around the nation, BNSF Railway vice president international intermodal Fred Malesa showed a map of growth projections in U.S. 'megapolitans' by the year 2030. Forecasters say the population in the magapolitan that will exist from Tampa and Orlando on down to Miami, the population will increase by 62 percent.

   With 10 'megapolitans' forming around the country, Malesa said, it is inevitable that that population and economic growth will force changes in port and inland transportation capabilities on a national basis. He believes the national freight transportation network, while functioning well this year after several difficult years in the west, will be reaching a crisis point within five to 10 years.

   Malesa said the transportation industry must begin gearing up now, both in terms of infrastructure and operating efficiencies, to avoid being overwhelmed by freight volumes in the years ahead.