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CMA CGM, subsidiaries replace vessels on Oceania loops

The dedicated Asia-Oceania AAX service and the NEMO loop between Europe, Africa, Oceania, Asia and the Indian Subcontinent will change one vessel each, increasing their average vessel capacity by 2.5 percent and 2.7 percent, respectively.

   CMA CGM and its subsidiary lines will replace one vessel each on two container shipping services, the AAX and the NEMO, at the beginning of January, ocean carrier ANL said in a statement.
   The dedicated Asia-Oceania AAX loop will phase out the 5060-TEU S Santiago Jan. 3 in Port Kelang and will replace it with the 5,782-TEU CMA CGM Wagner.
   The vessel replacement will cause the loop’s average vessel capacity to increase by 2.5 percent from 5,660 TEUs to 5,804 TEUs, according to data gathered from ocean carrier schedule and capacity database BlueWater Reporting.
   The AAX has a rotation of Singapore, Port Kelang, Fremantle, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Fremantle and Singapore.
   The service operates with a total of five vessels, three of which are provided by the CMA CGM Group. In addition to CMA CGM and subsidiary lines ANL, Delmas and US Lines, all of which participate on the AAX, NYK and APL provide one vessel each, while Hapag-Lloyd also purchases slots on the loop.
   The NEMO, which operates between North Europe, the Mediterranean, Africa, Oceania, Asia and the Indian Subcontinent, will phase out the 4,250-TEU ANL Windarra in Port Kelang Jan. 6 and replace it with the 5,782-TEU CMA CGM Bellini.
   As a result, the service’s average vessel capacity will increase by 2.7 percent from 4,365 TEUs to 4,483 TEUs, according to BlueWater Reporting data.
   The NEMO has a rotation of Tilbury, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Le Havre, Marseille-Fos (Fos), Genoa, Damietta, Reunion Island, Fremantle, Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Singapore, Port Kelang, Chennai/Madras, Colombo, Cochin, Damietta, Malta, Salerno and Tilbury.
   The loop operates with a total of 13 vessels, seven of which are provided by members of the CMA CGM Group and six of which are provided by Hapag-Lloyd. CMA CGM and subsidiary lines ANL, Delmas and US Lines all participate on the NEMO.