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Sybase scores with four new RFID system installs

Sybase scores with four new RFID system installs

Dublin, Calif.-based radio frequency identification system maker Sybase iAnywhere said Monday it has completed installations of its RFID iAnywhere software for four new customers including a Portuguese fashion house and a French logistics firm.

   Throttleman, a large Portuguese fashion retailer, is using an RFID item-level system incorporating iAnywhere technology to track manufactured clothing items as they arrive from India and then as the items are shipped to Throttleman retail outlets throughout the Iberian Peninsula.

   French logistics firm MGF Logistique is using the iAnywhere system to provide consolidation tracking and supply chain visibility during the movement of goods between the firm's more than 30 warehouse sites across France.

   Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group is using the Sybase software during DTAG corporate events to track attendees.

   “RFID proved so successful for DTG that it is considering applying this technology to other areas of its operations, including fleet management and beyond,” said Greg Lukeman, IT director at Dollar Thrifty.

   Atlantic Seaboard wholesale pharmaceutical distributor Mutual Drug has also signed on with iAnywhere, using the Sybase system to track consolidation of shipping loads. Mutual Drug software engineer Andrew Meyer said the company plans to roll out RFID across its enterprise.

   Financial details of the deals were not disclosed