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New marketing campaign aims to bring jobs to N.J. ports

New marketing campaign aims to bring jobs to N.J. ports

State government officials and private industry leaders are going to unveil a marketing campaign next week with the goal of bringing more jobs to New Jersey's ports.

   The marketing campaign will target 3,500 North American companies believed to be most likely to relocate or expand to New Jersey. It will highlight the merits of moving their operations to the Port of Newark. The campaign was put together by four state agencies and six private companies and had a price tag of $250,000.

   The plan, called the Portfields Initiative, involves turning underutilized and brownfield sites in the Port of Newark region into desirable real estate upon which to build warehouse and distribution facilities. The effort is expected to create jobs, tax revenues and other economic benefits for the area.

   Though commerce in the port is already growing at 10 percent a year, it is expected to become busier with the completion of a massive dredging project that increases the depth of the port's channels. This allows for more cargo and more opportunities for economic growth.

   “Gov. (John) Corzine's economic growth strategy calls for the state to encourage the growth of capital investments to promote international business development within New Jersey's ports and logistics systems. The Portfields Initiative supports that strategy,” said Caren S. Franzini, chief executive officer of the New Jersey's Economic Development Authority.

   The promotional materials were developed by public and private entities, including the EDA, the New Jersey Commerce and Economic Growth Commission, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, PSE&G, Matrix, Prologis, The Morris Cos., Panattoni, IDI and River Terminal Development.