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U.S. durable goods orders flat in November

New orders for manufactured durable goods grew $0.1 billion to $238.8 billion in November following a revised increase of 2.9 percent in October.

   The U.S. Census Bureau said last week new orders for manufactured durable goods remained “virtually unchanged” in November.
   Durable goods orders grew $0.1 billion to $238.8 billion for the month following a revised increase of 2.9 percent in October.
   New orders for transportation equipment, also up for the second consecutive month, were a primary driver in keeping overall November orders relatively flat, increasing 0.4 percent to $82.2 billion.
   Orders for transportation equipment increased 8 percent to $82.1 billion in October, following two consecutive monthly decreases. Automobile and aerospace manufacturing continued to lead the way for transportation equipment orders.
   The bureau noted that excluding transportation equipment orders, total new orders for durable goods decreased 0.1 percent in November.
   Shipments of manufactured durable goods, which have grown in two of the previous three months, increased 0.9 percent to $241.8 billion after a 1.2 percent drop in October. Transportation equipment, also up two of the last three months, drove the increase, according to the bureau, growing 2.9 percent to $80.8 billion.
   Orders for durable goods – defined by the Census Bureau as products designed to last at least three years – are a key indicator in the overall health of the U.S. economy.