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CMA CGM adding to executive board

CMA CGM adding to executive board

   France’s CMA CGM on Thursday said Jean-Marc Lacave, managing director of the Le Havre Port Authority, will join the shipping group on Sept. 1 as chief executive vice-president and member of the executive board.

   Lacave, 51, who has spent most of his career in the French transport and public works sectors, will take charge of the CMA CGM departments currently under the responsibility of Alain Wils: inland transportation (rail, river barging and road transportation), intermodal, internal audit, insurance, legal, human resources (including French flag vessels), and safety/security/environment (SSE).

   He will also be responsible for managing operations in port terminals where CMA CGM has operating management.

   At his request, Wils will from Sept. 12 assume the following responsibilities: advisor to Jacques Saad', chairman of the executive board; institutional advisor to the CMA CGM Group; chairman of CMA CGM Antilles-Guyane; chairman of Delmas, in particular for agencies, subsidiaries, and terminals in Sub-Saharan Africa.

   Aside from Lacave and Wils, the other members of the CMA CGM executive board are Jacques Saad', Farid Salem and Rodolphe Saad'.