British Airways World Cargo carried volumes jump 8.1%
British Airways World Cargo said Friday volumes increased 8.1 percent for its third quarter ended Dec. 31.
British Airways also reported a 1.7 percent increase in capacity with overall load factor up by 3.9 points.
Flown third quarter revenue was '134.4 million ($255 million), a 12.5 percent increase over the year-earlier quarter when excluding the impact of exchange rates, or a 6.3 percent rise when including the exchange rate movements. British Airways said yields for the quarter were down 1.6 percent, but after removing the effect of the exchange rate, show a 4 percent rise across the network.
“We have also been boosted by an upturn in overall yield, which gives us a good platform to continue growth in the final quarter of the year. While unprecedented fuel prices have hampered the industry, we have performed strongly to capitalize on our additional capacity and increase our volumes and our yield,” said Steve Gunning, head of finance.