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Cargolux receives 14th 747-8F ahead of schedule

The Luxembourg-based airfreight carrier took delivery of the LX-VCN, “Spirit of Schengen,” originally scheduled for delivery in 2017, bringing its fleet to 26 747 freighter aircraft, the company said in a statement.

   Cargolux Airlines has taken delivery of its 14th Boeing 747-8 freighter aircraft ahead of schedule, the company said in a statement.
   The Luxembourg-based airfreight carrier took delivery of the LX-VCN, “Spirit of Schengen,” originally scheduled for delivery in 2017, last week at Boeing’s Everett factory in Seattle, Wash.
   The new 747-8F brings the Cargolux fleet to 26 747 freighters, the other 12 planes being of the 747-400 type.
   The all-cargo carrier said it expects to use the LX-VCN to meet increasing demand during the upcoming peak holiday season. The aircraft operated its first commercial flight from Seattle to Luxembourg, arriving in Luxembourg Sept. 30 with a full load of cargo.
   The 747-8 freighters are more fuel efficient and less noisy than their predecessors, allowing Cargolux to extract 16 percent more revenue cargo volume than on the 747-400 freighter, according to the airline. In addition, the 747-8F consumes less fuel and has lower carbon dioxide emissions, representing a potential reduction of up to 400,000 metric tons of CO2 per year for Cargolux.
   “The 747-8 Freighter has proved to be a tremendous addition to Cargolux’s fleet, providing increased capacity, more range and outstanding economics,” said Monty Oliver, vice president of European Sales, Boeing Commercial Airplanes. “We congratulate Cargolux on this latest delivery and are honored that the 747 remains the mainstay of its all-Boeing fleet.”
   “Cargolux operates in a highly competitive market. In such an environment, an aircraft that combines economic efficiency with high earning potential gives a clear advantage,” added Cargolux President and CEO Richard Forson. “I see the 747-8F as an industry stalwart; this aircraft has already proven its worth for Cargolux in five years of reliable and efficient operation and it will continue to drive growth and revenues for Cargolux in the years to come.”