China Shipping amends two Asia/Europe loops
China Shipping Container Lines is making changes to the port rotation of two of its weekly Asia/Europe services.
Westbound calls at Valencia are being dropped from its “AEX 1” service. As part of the reshuffle calls at Valencia are replacing westbound calls at Malta on China Shipping's “AEX 2” loop. Eastbound calls at Malta on the “AEX 2” will remain.
The vessel “CSCL Kobe” starts the revised port rotation on the “AEX 1” service when it departs Shanghai Thursday. The “AEX 1” service uses eight ships of about 5,700 TEUs and will call Shanghai, Ningbo, Xiamen, Yantian, Hong Kong, Chiwan, Port Kelang, Felixstowe, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Port Kelang, Hong Kong and back to Shanghai. CMA CGM, Sinotrans Container Lines and Zim Israel Navigation take space on the “AEX 1”.
The revised “AEX 2” service, which started March 31, deploys nine ships of about 4,100 TEUs and has a new port rotation of Dalian, Xingang, Qingdao, Shanghai, Ningbo, Yantian, Hong Kong, Chiwan, Port Kelang, Valencia, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Hamburg, Felixstowe, Malta, Port Kelang, Chiwan and back to Dalian. Norasia Container Lines and Zim both have space on the “AEX 2” loop.