China Shipping, Zim ending Asia/East Med/Black Sea service
China Shipping and Israel’s Zim Integrated Shipping Services Ltd. are suspending their joint fortnightly Asia/East Med/Black Sea service.
China Shipping had marketed the service as AMX 3 while Zim called it Asia-Black Sea Express.
The 2,478-TEU vessel “CSCL Xiamen” will end the ABX/AMX 3 when it calls Busan June 15.
The service, which started January 2005, used four ships averaging 2,800 TEUs and had a port rotation of: Busan; Shanghai; Ningbo; Chiwan; Port Kelang; Port Said, Egypt; Piraeus; Thessaloniki; Istanbul; Constanta; Istanbul; Port Said; Port Kelang; and back to Busan.
Zim recently added the East Mediterranean ports of Constanta and Istanbul to its weekly Asia Med Pacific service, which China Shipping takes space on.