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Fleetworthy’s mission for manageable compliance — Taking The Hire Road

Taking compliance beyond a reactive approach is key to avoiding nuclear verdicts

In this week’s episode of Taking The Hire Road, Jeremy Reymer, founder of DriverReach, is joined by a great industry friend, Michael Precia, the CEO and president of fleet safety and risk management system Fleetworthy Solutions.

The trucking industry has long been known as a field with a low barrier to entry, and many companies of all sizes have humble beginnings that start with a single truck. While each year in-cab technology becomes more sophisticated in their fleets’ trucks, too often the technology they use in their headquarters doesn’t evolve in the same way. Many businesses still rely on spreadsheets and older systems to manage administrative, operational and safety functions, which can especially be problematic when it comes to keeping abreast of regulatory compliance.

Fleetworthy Solutions sits at the intersection of technology and fleet safety, compliance and risk management. Amid an ever-changing regulatory landscape, Fleetworthy helps carriers inject technology and staff that can be an extension of their compliance teams to help them take a proactive stance in their safety operations.

This is especially important today, as a reactive strategy isn’t effective when it comes to incidents resulting in nuclear verdicts.

“Attorneys have figured out a way to make people forget that the person that’s in the cab is a man or a woman that’s trying to get home to their families, trying to make a living. They’re not getting in the vehicle with the intent to hurt someone, but unfortunately, if you can’t prove that in regards to the way that you’re managing compliance, that’s the way those conversations go,” Precia said.

Attorneys look for weak spots in compliance, and leveraging technology to manage safety functions and eliminate gaps is a powerful way to remain diligent. 

Fleetworthy Solutions aims to be the best in the world at helping carriers make sure they go beyond the minimum steps of compliance, giving them a 360-degree view of both their driver and vehicle compliance. Wrapping its managed services around its cutting-edge technology provides Fleetworthy Solutions’ customers with a complete solution.

Compliance is complex, with many moving parts, so Fleetworthy Solutions partners with vendors like DriverReach, a recruiting and compliance management system, to help feed their customers’ strategies.

“If we bring a vendor into [a customer’s] four walls with us, Fleetworthy has vetted this vendor and they’re on a mission to do what Fleetworthy is, which is to take us beyond just the minimum,” Precia explained.

Fleetworthy Solutions stays tuned to the ever-changing realities of the industry. For instance, as the prevalence of electric vehicles grows, Fleetworthy wants to know how it will impact International Fuel Tax Agreement filings and fuel tax — and what this means for its customers.

“We’re just trying to be in that vortex of all the things that are happening, and being ahead of it — leveraging technology when we can but never losing track of the human aspect of this industry, and I think we’re positioned well to be able to respond to the changes,” Precia said.

Click here to learn more about Fleetworthy Solutions.

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Jenny Glasscock

Prior to joining FreightWaves, Jenny worked as a staff writer at a weekly newspaper and later as a safety assistant at a trucking company. She now enjoys a combination of both her interests as a FreightWaves sponsored content writer. She received her B.A. in English Publishing Studies from Illinois State University in 2018 and currently lives in Marengo, Illinois.