FMSCA to work “front end” of container chassis safety
FMSCA to work “front end” of container chassis safety
The U.S. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration plans to widen its efforts to ensure safety of the nation’s container chassis pool.
“Motor carriers are held responsible for equipment they operate on the road and we’re not going to back down from that,” said Warren Hoemann, FMCSA deputy administrator at the National Industrial Transportation League’s 2004 Policy Forum in Washington Monday. “But we’re also going to work on the front end companies that provide the equipment.”
Hoemann said violations related to container chassis safety is increasing in the United States, and this trend has caught the attention of the FMSCA and other transportation safety agencies.
Hoemann said the FMSCA is awaiting congressional passage of the reauthorized Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21), now called the Safe, Accountable, Flexible and Efficient Transportation Equity Act (SAFETEA), which contains provisions related to container chassis safety enforcement. Otherwise, he said the agency would seek a proposed rulemaking.
The American Trucking Associations approves the FMSCA’s effort to improve highway safety of container chassis operations. “We’re looking forward to the rulemaking process and a positive outcome,” said Dave Osiecki, the group’s vice president.