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FreightWatch: March freight theft reports drop

FreightWatch: March freight theft reports drop

   Security firm FreightWatch International said it recorded a 13 percent decrease in North American cargo theft from February to March.

   Of the 65 recorded thefts in March, the highest frequencies were seen in California (20), Texas (seven), Florida (six) and the York region of Ontario (five).

   Food/drink product losses accounted for nearly one-third of the total, with 19 reported thefts in March. No other categorized commodity distinguished itself similarly. There were eight electronics thefts, ranking it a distant second-highest. Home/garden and Clothing/shoes followed closely with six reported thefts each.

   Thirty-three of the 65 theft incident reports reviewed by FreightWatch in March included theft location types. Of these, truck stop thefts were the most common, contributing exactly one-third of the total, followed by secured terminal lots (seven incidents), unsecured terminal lots (six), and warehouses (five).

   More information is available here.

   American Shipper's May cover story focuses on cargo crime. 'Ripped off' will be available online in PDF format next Tuesday at In addition, American Shipper recently held a webinar, Combating cargo theft: Best practices for securing your supply chain, sponsored by Schneider National in partnership with FreightWatch International and Sony Supply Chain Solutions. An archive of the webinar is available at