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Global food aid volumes expected to reach 9 million tons in 2003-04

Global food aid volumes expected to reach 9 million tons in 2003-04

   The volume of grain-based food-aid volumes is expected to reach 9 million tons in 2003-04, according to the International Grains Council’s Food Aid Committee.

   Total shipments in 2002-03 were put at 9.2 million tons, about 1 million tons less than the volume in 2001-02. The organization’s food aid committee members had forecasted 2002-03 minimal volume of 5 million tons.

   The committee said the largest amount (3.8 million tons) went to Africa, of which Ethiopia received more than 1 million tons. The Far East Asia received 2.4 million tons and Near East Asia received 900,000 tons.

   The committee reported that 93 percent of aid provided under the Food Aid Convention was in the form of grants and more than 3.5 million tons, or 42 percent, was distributed through the World Food Programme.