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Halifax, CN add joint India rep

   The Port of Halifax and Canadian National have jointly appointed new commercial representatives in India, the port said Wednesday.
   The two operations named Ajay Kumar Singh as their representative in Mumbai, effective Oct. 1. Singh will help to market the Port of Halifax as a gateway to North America using CN’s rail network.
   “The hiring of Ajay will give the port and CN increased commercial presence in Southeast Asia,” said George Malec, vice president of business development and operations for the Halifax Port Authority. “The increased market intelligence should help us secure more traffic from this highly dynamic part of the world economy.”
   CN earlier this year established a representative in Ho Chi Minh City and has longstanding representation in Hong Kong, Taipei, Seoul and Tokyo. CN also has people in Beijing, Tianjin, Qingdao, Shenzhen, and Shanghai, where Lonny Kubas, CN’s general manager for Asia, is based.
   The Port of Halifax has had a dedicated business development manager in Ho Chi Minh City for four years and this representative will work closely with CN’s new representative.
   The Port of Halifax’s percentage of cargo activity with Asia has grown in recent years, surpassing Europe as the largest source of traffic. Currently, 45 percent of all cargo moved through Halifax originates from or is destined for Asia.
   “CN is pleased to be working closely with the Port of Halifax on this market outreach,” said Keith Reardon, CN vice president for intermodal services. “Together we hope to improve the effectiveness of our customers’ supply chains and in turn draw more business over the port and CN’s North American rail network.” – Eric Johnson