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Horizon Offshore to add diving support vessel

Horizon Offshore to add diving support vessel

   Horizon Offshore said Monday its subsidiary, Horizon Vessels, has agreed to acquire the 'Sea Wrangler,' a dynamically positioned diving support and deepwater reel pipelay vessel.

   The company expects to complete the purchase later this month and to finance a portion of the purchase price. Horizon will rename the vessel the 'Texas Horizon' and place it into service to support its Gulf of Mexico operations in both the U.S. and Mexican market areas.

   Horizon and its subsidiaries provide marine construction services for the offshore oil and gas industry and energy related industries in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico, West Africa, Southeast Asia, and Latin America. The company’s fleet is used to perform a wide range of marine construction activities, including installation of marine pipelines to transport oil and gas and other sub-sea production systems, and the installation and abandonment of production platforms.