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House seeks to crack down on Postal Service trucking contractors

Penalties in legislation passed Monday include contract suspension, termination

Mail contractors would face new penalties for failing to report crashes. (Photo: Jim Allen/FreightWaves)

WASHINGTON — House lawmakers have approved legislation directing the U.S. Postal Service to set new rules for keeping track of crashes involving its trucking contractors, including penalties against motor carriers for failing to report them.

On Monday the House passed, by voice vote, the Mail Traffic Deaths Reporting Act of 2024, which would require contract carriers and Postal Service employees to report to the agency roadway crashes involving vehicles carrying mail and resulting in injury or death no later that three days after the crash.

It also would require the Postal Service to maintain an internal database of such reports and publish an annual summary of information related to the reports.

The legislation, introduced in March by Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va., is in response to investigations of the Postal Service’s safety records involving its long-haul contract carriers and a government watchdog report published in February revealing lax oversight of its partner trucking companies, brokers and drivers.

“It is our hope this legislation creates a virtuous feedback loop at the Postal Service in which crash data enforces strict adherence to safety compliance and best practices,” Connolly said when he introduced the bill.

In a March 12 op-ed published in The Hill, Connolly detailed a tragedy that occurred in June 2022 involving two families driving on Interstate 25 between Greeley, Colorado, and Gillette Wyoming, and a truck carrying mail on a contract with the Postal Service.

“The truck’s brakes were out of alignment, it was uninsured, and its driver did not have a commercial driver’s license,” Connolly said. “The truck slammed into the back of the Godines’ family vehicle and, in an instant, a member of the Everts family and three generations of Godines lost their lives, including a 3-month-old baby girl.

“Unknown to most Americans, this tragedy is playing out across our country. Over the last three years, at least 79 people were killed in crashes involving trucks contracted by the Postal Service. Even more concerning, the number of lives lost could be even higher because, just last year, we learned that USPS did not even report serious crashes involving its trucking contractors.”

Reports submitted by contract carriers and Postal Service employees must include detailed information “describing, at a minimum, the crash, including the date, time, location, nature of the crash, information identifying the contractor, number of injuries, fatalities, and any contributing factors to the crash,” according to the bill. “An employee or contractor … shall update the report, in such form and manner as the Postal Service deems appropriate, to reflect any change in crash-caused injuries or fatalities.”

Postal Service contractors that fail to report a crash within the reporting deadline face penalties to be determined by the Postal Service, “including fines, suspension of contracts, or termination of contracts,” the legislation states.

“The Postal Service may take into account the severity of the applicable traffic crash and the frequency of noncompliance with the requirements of this Act by the applicable Postal Service contractor when determining which penalty to apply (if any).”

The bill, which now goes to the Senate, has a 34% chance of being enacted, according to, which analyzes legislation trends. Only about 21% of bills that made it past committee in 2021-2023 were enacted, the website noted.

Click for more FreightWaves articles by John Gallagher.


  1. Marty Martinez

    When you cut the rates that’s what you get un professional under insured companies that hire anyone qualified or not . And people die
    You get what you paid for

  2. Wayne Jenkins

    I will defend one 10 Roads driver. Sunday afternoon, as I cleared the 40-75 split westbound coming out of Knoxville at Exit 368, I fell in behind 10 Roads trailer 10R1927 running 70 mph. I was trying to max my fuel mileage going home and fell in close behind him. Staying close, we were right at 70 mph all the way to the first exit inside metro Nashville/Davidson County, TN at Exit 221. Earlier at Exit 232 he had to swerve around some blown tire debris in the middle of the road, I stayed right behind the trailer and missed it all. Had a good run with him as I also positively impacted my trip’s MPH during that 136-mile run with him. He’s probably the exception, but he did the job as he should.

  3. Kenny Lainhart

    I truly feel the government needs to step in on the people who our license testing sites are giving a commercial license to! I literally have watched a guy stand between the seats to back in a truck , while the driver couldn’t hit a dock 😕 it’s a joke how these people ( foreigners) are getting licensed in the United States of America!!! They can’t speak English read signs or drive a truck period!! DOT needs to crack down on this with the Government!!! It’s absolutely terrifying and unsafe!!

  4. Richard Fryling

    One of their contract drivers was killed when his rig flew off an overpass on Stacy Rd in Allen Tx. I was on the access rd and it happened right in front of me. The Truck just exploded it was a horrific sight. He was in his 70’s I don’t know whether his age was an issue or not.

  5. Robert Hatten

    This is all necessary because of DeJoy and republicans trying to get rid of the US Post Office. DeJoy is hiring unlicensed and uninsured companies. Get rid of DeJoy and most of the problems will be solved.

  6. James Allen

    The contractors can barley keep up with the demand the mail requires. Subpar trucks, and the drivers are often exhausted and running beyond the HOS.

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John Gallagher

Based in Washington, D.C., John specializes in regulation and legislation affecting all sectors of freight transportation. He has covered rail, trucking and maritime issues since 1993 for a variety of publications based in the U.S. and the U.K. John began business reporting in 1993 at Broadcasting & Cable Magazine. He graduated from Florida State University majoring in English and business.