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If the Teamsters union strikes, will UPS close its doors?

AskWaves: Managers told to cancel PTO for July and August, signaling company will stay open for business

Coming to a large parcel carrier near you (Photo: Shutterstock)

In August 1997, the Teamsters walked off the job across UPS Inc.’s nationwide ground system. With an all-Teamsters labor force and no plans to call in replacement workers to deliver goods, UPS shuttered its massive ground network rather than risk permanently damaging its reputation with customers.

The strike lasted 15 days, sending an avalanche of parcel and letter volumes to rival carriers, burying their networks and, in many cases, causing significant service disruptions.

A quarter of a century later, deja vu is rearing its head. 

Under the leadership of General President Sean O’Brien and General Secretary-Treasurer Fred Zuckerman, two hardliners with histories of crossing swords with UPS (NYSE: UPS), the Teamsters have vowed to take 350,000 workers out on strike if a new contract isn’t agreed to by Aug. 1, the day after the current five-year pact expires. Given the militancy of both leaders and the perception that organized labor has more leverage in Congress, the White House and the court of public opinion than at any time in the past 40 years, no one takes the threat lightly.

In 1997, UPS didn’t have robust contingencies in place to manage such a vast and complex network without its drivers, loaders and other union personnel. It also underestimated the resolve of then-Teamster boss Ron Carey to pull his members off the job, even if it meant rejecting UPS’ best and final offer, much to the company’s shock.

Things are different this time around. UPS has informed its managers not to schedule any paid time off during July and August in case parcels are required to be moved, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter who spoke on condition of anonymity. UPS did not respond to a request for comment. 

The move sends a clear signal that UPS, under CEO Carol B. Tomé, plans to continue operating even if the union goes on strike. 

Tomé’s apparent determination to keep the company running is likely rooted in the realities of the 2023 marketplace and how much it differs from that of the late 1990s when UPS ruled the U.S. ground parcel business. Mainly, UPS needs to keep operating because, in a far more competitive environment, it can ill afford to deal with a strike and assume shippers will return when it ends.

In 1997, UPS controlled more than 80% of the U.S. ground parcel market, according to estimates from consultancy ShipMatrix. Its two main competitors in the business-to-business segment — how most parcel traffic moved — were Airborne Express, with limited services compared to UPS, and Roadway Package System Inc. (RPS), a small but fast-growing company. FedEx Corp. (NYSE: FDX) had no dedicated ground delivery network. The U.S. Postal Service focused on the business-to-consumer market, which was a fraction of what it is today because e-commerce didn’t exist.

At the time, UPS felt it could absorb a walkout — and the dislocations accompanying it — without much fallout. It reasoned customers would return because their alternatives were limited. Some post-strike business never returned to UPS – however, much of it did. 

Many shippers didn’t think a strike would occur and failed to develop contingency plans far enough in advance. Enterprise shippers quite dependent on UPS moved some volumes elsewhere, but many chose to wait it out. They eventually went back.

Today, UPS controls about 50% of the total market, still a healthy share but not what it once was. The reason is clear: more and better competition.

Not long after the strike ended in 1997, FedEx acquired RPS. FedEx has since become a major force in ground parcel delivery. Regional delivery companies have expanded their geographies and offer a better value proposition than ever before. Retailers are building out delivery networks to take more control of their own traffic. The U.S. parcel market is now skewed toward the B2C segment due to the explosive growth of e-commerce delivery. B2C has far more competition than the B2B space.

The U.S. Postal Service, under the guise of Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, is aggressively courting parcel traffic and building what it believes to be a strong alternative. Inc. (NASDAQ: AMZN), while not directly competing with UPS, continues to pursue fulfillment and delivery business it can take in-house. Some of those Amazon customers could have come from UPS.

Ironically, Amazon, UPS’ largest individual customer that accounts for about 11% of its $102 billion in annual revenue, stands to encounter the most severe stress if UPS’ network goes offline.

Keep it running

For millions of UPS shippers, maintaining operational continuity would be good news. But a scenario of UPS working through a Teamsters strike is so unprecedented, it would be considered unimaginable. 

At the same time, parcel consultants caution that shippers shouldn’t consider an agreement before July 31 — though considered likely because both sides have much to lose in a slowing economy with flattening delivery volumes — to be a slam dunk.

Parcel consultants are urging shippers to seriously engage other carriers soon after peak season and no later than the end of the first quarter. Each day in the U.S. alone, UPS delivers nearly 23 million packages, volumes that could easily swamp the country’s delivery infrastructure if its system is shut down. No carrier, other than the Postal Service because of its mandate to serve every U.S. address, is obligated to take any of it. 

Other carriers are unlikely to accept more than 10% over the normal daily volume from existing customers and will probably not take on any after a specific date, according to a source. 

For their part, regional carriers have no interest in serving as a safety valve for potentially displaced UPS customers. Two regional carriers plan to announce they will not accept volumes from customers that plan to return to UPS if a strike is averted, a source said. 

Regional carriers and parcel consolidators — companies that aggregate large volumes from multiple merchants and typically induct them into the Postal Service’s network for last-mile delivery — will “want to be long-term partners under a service contract, or they’ll decline participation in bids,” a source said. UPS has a similar parcel aggregation service with the Postal Service known as SurePost. Year to date, SurePost volumes account for more than 27% of UPS’ ground volumes, according to consultancy Shipware LLC.

One tailwind for shippers heading into the first half of 2023 is that delivery capacity is well supplied, so carriers will not only have space to accommodate diverted business but may be willing to cut some deals as well.

Nate Skiver, founder and president of LPF Spend Management LLC, said most UPS customers will not alter their current delivery programs regardless of the potential strike risk. Over the decades, UPS has made itself sticky to most of its shippers through its renowned physical distribution and I.T. capabilities. Shippers that use multiple carriers but tender most of their volumes to UPS may choose to hedge their bets, Skiver said. “But I don’t see shippers fleeing UPS altogether,” he said.

One wild card is FedEx Ground, FedEx’s ground delivery unit. Since midyear, the unit has dealt with concerns raised by many of its 6,000 independent delivery contractors over the impact of surging cost inflation on their businesses. It has apparently managed through the crisis, however. The question now is how aggressive FedEx Ground will be in pursuing UPS shippers. 

Noting that UPS has been quite public in recent months in highlighting the difference between its unionized, employee-driven operations and those of nonunion FedEx Ground, Skiver said that FedEx should adopt the turnabout-is-fair-play philosophy and play up the labor risk at UPS.

“I haven’t seen that yet,” he said. “But that’s not really (FedEx Ground) style.”

(An earlier version misstated the number of UPS Teamsters).


  1. Neilmar Chomosky

    The Teamsters are just as bad or even worse than UPS management. To think you pay them to represent and enforce a contract (thousands a year in dues) for them to undermine and actually work against the collective. The Mokena swindlers should have a “Hazardous To Your Welfare” warning attached to it. THE FISH ROTS FROM THE HEAD DOWN…SUFFICE TO SAY BOTH ORGANIZATIONS ARE RIFE WITH SCUMBAGS.

  2. James R Steffel Jr

    Teamsters Union is as corrupt organization as there is.I was a shop steward for 5 years ,in Dallas,and they don’t give a DAMN about the members

  3. Scott Minor

    Of course they on pursuing all options. What type of negotiator would let the other side know they don’t have options?
    They’re not going to repeat that mistake.
    It does not mean they intend to operate but at this point they don’t want it off the table either.

  4. Robert Conrady

    Time to hire non union people. Union just want want want an do half the work as other jobs. Try other jobs and find out you had it made

  5. Matthew

    The workers need to be treated right but the company dosen’t need to be a used by someone dictating there business and then stealing there money when retirement comes , been there , self employed, Merry Christmas 🙏🏻

  6. William Christopher Forrester

    My seven years with UPS/SonicAir began six weeks prior to the strike in ’97. As a nonunion division, we took all the freight we could handle. Frankly, it barely made a dent in lost business for Big Brown. All the packages/freight moved via our network was via passenger aircraft and contracted couriers. This is no longer an option for most shippers due to security measures in place since 9/11. Hopefully, the board focuses on the safety and dedication of it’s teamsters along with customer expectations. Factor in corporate greed, my confidence is low. Grim.

  7. Alex D

    Teamsters are a bunch of crooks band of Brothers my ass I wish all the teamsters could be fired who needs them. I’m independent have never been a Teamster never wanted to be a Teamster don’t believe in Teamster style systems or the Union all a scam down with your brotherhood and your lies free market rules hope whoever strikes gets replaced

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Mark Solomon

Formerly the Executive Editor at DC Velocity, Mark Solomon joined FreightWaves as Managing Editor of Freight Markets. Solomon began his journalistic career in 1982 at Traffic World magazine, ran his own public relations firm (Media Based Solutions) from 1994 to 2008, and has been at DC Velocity since then. Over the course of his career, Solomon has covered nearly the whole gamut of the transportation and logistics industry, including trucking, railroads, maritime, 3PLs, and regulatory issues. Solomon witnessed and narrated the rise of Amazon and XPO Logistics and the shift of the U.S. Postal Service from a mail-focused service to parcel, as well as the exponential, e-commerce-driven growth of warehouse square footage and omnichannel fulfillment.