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   The International Maritime Organization’s Maritime Safety Committee’s Intersessional Working Group on Maritime Security, which met Feb. 11-15 in London, has recommended that the full Maritime Safety Committee consider the following measures to augment vessel security:

   * To speed the schedule for mandatory fitting of automatic identification systems for all ships of 500 gross tonnage and above on international voyages. The final implementation date would be decided by a diplomatic conference on maritime security in December.

   * To amend SOLAS Chapter XI to include special measures for maritime security.

   * To require that all ships of 500 gross tonnage and above engaged in international voyages carry ship security plans. The working group acknowledged the need for such plans to be ultimately incorporated in the ISM Code.

   * To include a requirement for a ship’s security officer in the ISM Code. Training requirements for the security officer need to be developed as fast as possible.

   * To incorporate a requirement for a company security officer in the Code.

   * To recommend a requirement for port facility security plans. The working group expressed concern that it may not be appropriate to require such plans for small ports.

   * Assessing port vulnerability was considered an essential part of the port facility security process. The working group recommended that an assessment requirement be part of the Code, based on a particular port’s existing level of threat.

   * Urgent action on an up-to-date seafarer identification document. The IMO has requested that the International Labor Organization (ILO) update the ILO’s seafarer identification document.

   * The working group recommended that information on a particular ship, its cargo and crew be readily available. The group noted that full transparency of ownership information was desirable, but could be difficult to achieve.

   The working group also debated the concept of a shipboard alarm to be sent in the event of a hijacking, and recommended cooperation with the World Customs Organization to establish international measures enhancing the integrity of all cargo.

   The IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee will next meet in May.