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Maersk Sealand adds seal attachment point to containers

Maersk Sealand adds seal attachment point to containers

   Maersk Sealand has added a seal attachment point on all its new containers, called SecuraCam, to improve the security of shipments.

   In a simple redesign of the right-hand center locking bar and the lower sill cam into which it locates with a twist, the carrier’s containers feature a new seal fixture. Fixing a seal between the aligned foot of the locking bar and the modified sill cam renders entry through the container doors “virtually impossible without noticeable damage to the seal,” Maersk Sealand said.

   Greater security is provided using the SecuraCam than attaching seals to the container locking handles. The system not only deters container entry, but allows Maersk Sealand to easily detect seal anomalies during examination, said the carrier.