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Mojix adds RFID to automotive supply chains

   Mojix Inc., a Los Angeles-based technology provider of radio frequency identification device networks with real-time locating system (RTLS) abilities, is increasing its push into the automotive manufacturing industry.
   Mojix said it is targeting the automotive industry because it sees supply chains being stretched to more locations with tighter deadlines and believes its system can provide the visibility required to locate critical parts and tools. Mojix is tweaking its STAR 3000 System that uses passive RFID technology to address the right-time-right-place needs for these automotive goods. The company said its system can provide real-time information and tracking location across factories, distribution centers, warehouses, and dealerships.
   The company said its system allows automotive manufacturers to leverage lean manufacturing techniques and eliminate wasteful buffer inventories in their production. 
   One concern of RFID systems is their ability to pick out distinct tags in crowded and large spaces. Mojix said it addresses this concern by using a variety of technologies including iterative signal processing, space-time array techniques, smart antennas, digital beam forming, digital signal processors, and digital packet radio advancements – basically allowing the system to detect faint signals in “noisy” environments and then use multiple systems to pinpoint its location.
   The STAR 3000 system, Mojix said, can detect passive RFID tags in large areas with coverage in excess of 200,000-square-feet and can read and locate an RFID tag from up to 600 feet away. – Geoff Whiting