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Over the past decade, C.H. Robinson lost its moat to innovation and competition

Can it evolve quickly enough to satisfy Wall Street?

(Photo: C.H. Robinson)

C.H. Robinson (Nasdaq: CHRW), the largest trucking freight brokerage, is in a challenging spot that isn’t strictly due to the Great Freight Recession. Its stock is trading near the lows of the COVID lockdown (closing price on April 26 was $70.22; the COVID low was $63.91), with investors asking tough questions about the company’s long-term prospects. 

For three and a half decades, C.H. Robinson’s position was uncontested. It was in an enviable position — it had information and access to fleets that no one else did. After all, with the largest number of offices around the country and the largest network of carriers, almost no one could compete with Robinson’s pulse on the market or connection to fleets.

Early on, this information and trading arbitrage became C.H. Robinson’s unfair advantage.

However, other freight brokers emerged, and the share of freight that brokers handled grew faster than C.H. Robinson’s business.

Less than a quarter-century ago — in 2000 — freight brokerages handled only 6% of all trucking freight. Today, FreightWaves estimates that 25%-30% of freight is handled by 3PLs; others have suggested that the figure is more than 50%. Regardless, it’s a huge number.

Brokerages gained market share by taking freight from the largest asset truckload carriers, playing the role previously reserved for companies with trucks.

Shippers used to be reluctant to give freight to companies that didn’t own their own trucks. Still, they eventually realized that freight brokerages provided unparalleled flexibility and could offer rates that shifted as the market did (freight costs are massively volatile).

Because brokerages were not constrained by fleet size, they could handle surges much easier than asset-based carriers. In that regard, a brokerage can provide a superior product compared to a single-source truckload provider.

Those circumstances have caused large over-the-road truckload providers to struggle for years. It is not just freight brokerages taking share; intermodal (railroads) are also eating their lunch.

A few companies like J.B. Hunt, Werner, and most recently, Covenant, saw these changes coming. They largely moved away from their dependence on the for-hire truckload market.

Others failed to pivot fast enough — Celadon, CFI, U.S. Xpress, Interstate, etc. — and each paid dearly.

In addition, shippers benefited from the fact that brokerages were faster than the fleets about investing in technology and customer success initiatives.

From 2000 to 2015, the industry saw the scale of startup or small brokerages explode (Brokerage 2.0): TQL, Echo, Coyote, Command, Access America, Nolan, GlobalTranz and many others grew exponentially.

This caught the attention of private equity (PE) firms, corporations, and even UPS — they all bought into the belief that the freight brokerage market was ripe for consolidation.

The Brokerage 2.0 players sold out, and middle management at those firms left and started their own versions of what we’ll call Brokerage 3.0.

Meanwhile, technologies emerged that eroded Robinson’s information and fleet access advantage.

Emerging firms like Arrive, Molo and Steam popped up, and hundreds of others were created, requiring little more than a computer, an MC, and a load board account. These firms grew very quickly — understanding that the secret to freight brokerage was recruiting new brokers and creating a dynamic sales culture — something that “stuffy” corporates, PE and UPS would never understand.

The new firms cleaned the clocks of the incumbents.

PE firms and strategic acquirers soon learned that there was little differentiation between the various freight brokerages, and it was hard to retain talent unless the management teams stayed intact (which is hard to do after they’ve sold out).

Then, the most damning part of the story took place: Silicon Valley discovered freight brokerage. Startups like Convoy and Uber Freight were funded — and all focused on blitzscaling. Even Amazon joined the party, leveraging its vast resources and huge freight spend to take an additional share. 

In the U.S., Amazon moves more freight through its network than FedEx. 

Early on, these startups tried to achieve critical mass, offering heavily discounted pricing to “buy share.”

And they did. The digital natives grew exponentially without concern for short-term profits. However, many of those same firms have found profit elusive or worse. 

At the same time, tech vendors made it easier for new entrants to join the industry and existing players to scale quickly. 

DAT Rateview, Truckstop Rate Insights, SONAR and FreightWaves removed Robinson’s information advantage — now, everyone understood what was happening in the market in near real time.

Public and private load boards (DAT, Truckstop, Loadboard123), digital matching apps (J.B. Hunt 360, Loadsmart, Emerge), Trucker Tools, and others took away Robinson’s capacity access advantages. At the same time, systems like Mercury Gate, Ascend TMS, Macropoint, P44, FourKites and Transflo destroyed Robinson’s advantages in system infrastructure that enabled the brokerage to scale so quickly. 

Perhaps the biggest blow to C.H. Robinson’s business model is the emergence of payment networks like TriumphPay that make it seamless for brokerages to fund growth without needing large balance sheets. 

Now, anyone can start or grow a freight brokerage with little upfront capital and play at the same level (or even better) as C.H. Robinson. 

After successfully fending off the pressures of competition for three decades, C.H. Robinson finally gave in. 

Bob Biesterfeld, the former CEO of C.H. Robinson, declared in 2019 that the company would protect its market share by investing $1 billion in new technology. 

But it was too late. Robinson had been losing market share, but this was hard to see because of the growth of the underlying market. As long as the freight brokerage market grew, few would realize that C.H. Robinson’s business was under real stress.

Then, the freight market exploded during COVID. Robinson made a fortune during the peak COVID cycle, handily beating analyst estimates like everyone in the space. However, that peak cycle turned, followed by the Great Freight Recession — one of the biggest and most painful downturns in freight market history.

Although Robinson replaced its CEO, the new CEO can do little to fend off the inevitable decline of its core business.

In recent months, FreightWaves has received reports of many veteran brokers leaving the firm, something that was unfathomable just a few years ago. Sources told FreightWaves that the departures were caused by compensation restructuring initiatives and a change in the company’s operating culture.
Margins are under pressure from the Great Freight Recession, which is now in its third year, and the cutthroat competition of thousands of freight brokerages all bidding on the same loads. 

Sources have told FreightWaves that Robinson’s new management wants to change the company’s cost structure and has pursued a series of changes to its compensation structures to change the unit economics of the business. These changes have been controversial and unpopular; some veteran reps with decades of tenure have left Robinson to protest the company’s new operating culture.

However, the company must reduce operating expenses to offset the impact of declining brokerage margins. 

There are few good short-term answers for C.H. Robinson.

Competition is only going to increase. Robinson’s one-time advantages are largely gone, killed by innovation and direct competition. Its leadership has little choice but to address compensation packages representing the largest operating cost at freight brokerages. But, as noted above, as those changes occur, the company will continue to lose some of its most successful sales and carrier reps. Shippers are likely to leave as a result, as often, the personal relationship with the sales and customer service teams is what keeps the shipper from moving to a competing broker.  

Worse still, as a public company, all of Robinson’s challenges are visible to everyone, including competitors, employees, and customers. 

A huge business model reset with some long-term thinking is required, but that may be difficult for a publicly traded company to satisfy investor expectations every quarter.


  1. Donna5

    It’s amazing how they make a fortune during covid and lied to us that business was slow and paid us peanuts saying the shippers dropped the price. Lying dirty scoundrel

  2. Bill davis

    I haul for them for the last 10 years every time they change the program get the broker not talking to the trucker using ai the worse it going to get you cannot talk to them now . You get one chance to bid on a load then no change to rebid on the loads.lossing the personal aspect of trucking 46 years owner operator.

  3. Left 4 the right treason

    You have quietly and politely skipped over the most bitter pill the current management faces. This continuous slide is not about competition; although all the failed CEOs enjoy that excuse. CHRW executives just made mistake after mistake with the internal account rules. Initiative after initiative distanced them from the customer and rewarded the wrong behaviors. The corporate services departments led with hubris based on myopic, self-serving agendas. This fortress has been reduced to a full retreat and even the right adjustments now will never return the talent they could no longer afford to keep.
    Hold the top accountable to the truth on behalf of so many great employees, customers, carriers and investors that have been very poorly served by management.

  4. Billy Broker

    This article has some good highlights, logical breakdowns, and pieces of truth. It’s dangerous and easy to accept as a well-assembled analysis.

    The subtle business overview along with the note of products like Craig’s FreightWaves Sonar product that saved the day and democratized information so now we have many stronger businesses because of a product he built.

    I can almost feel this review being written after a meeting or event in which some CH Robinson personnel had a different point of view which triggered Craig to put together this analysis.

    “Emerging firms like Arrive, Molo, and Steam” based on “dynamic sales culture that stuffy corporates would never understand” and “cleaned the clocks of incumbents.”

    ~MoLo was not profitable at acquisition; does this mean they subsidized growth like the silicon-backed brokerage 3.0?
    ~Arrive raised $360m including a $300m round in 2021; was that from being too profitable?
    ~I’ve seen the “dynamic sales culture” in action, don’t worry for you stuffy corporations, I can give you the playbook. Start with entry-level hires, minimal education, talk about making bank, pound the phones, by any means necessary, who’s gonna carry the boats, work extra hours, monthly changing comp plans, alcohol in the office, ping pong tables, and a lifetime supply of ZYN. The poor version of Wolf of Wall Street. Now you too can be dynamic. No thanks needed and save yourself the $1m check to Bain or McKinsey on organizational effectiveness coaching.

    The growth from some of those players is impressive, and raising money isn’t a bad thing. Honestly, good for them. Although I haven’t heard any updates on growth or profitability for the full year 2023 or Q1 of 2024. Curious.

    Comparing those companies to CH Robinson generating quarterly operating profits, doing share buy backs, and paying a dividend seems odd. Especially for all the “eating lunches” they are doing.

    “In recent months, FreightWaves has received reports of many veteran brokers leaving the firm, something that was unfathomable just a few years ago.”

    I don’t like CH Robinson any more than anyone else. Another corporate machine that will squeeze their people for every possible $ to drive profitability. Zero concern for human beings except for the executive human beings who will gain huge monetary rewards from eliminating other humans, not from actually creating value of any kind. I’m sure most of which could be replaced by a ChatGPT bot, table dice, or anyone off the street who claims to be a Vice President of anything.

    But let’s not pretend this is something unique to Robinson, or a new trend by saying veteran brokers are leaving all of a sudden. Veterans have been leaving the larger providers for years. Even the ones who didn’t “sell out.” Here’s a list of other brokers and forwarders who have done layoffs in the last 6 months followed by veterans leaving all of a sudden:

    Convoy (closure)
    Uber Freight
    Flock Freight
    Universal Logistics

    Likely every other brokerage too. With most of them keeping it off the radar and calling it 25 other things besides a layoff.

    I’m all about the smoke, rip CH Robinson apart, they deserve it. But don’t go back patting your own Sonar product, DAT, and JB Hunt who just reported Q1 earnings per share down 35% from last year and operating income decreasing 75% in Truckload to $1.2m compared to Q1 2023. It doesn’t make sense.

  5. Bring back Backhaulers

    CH is running out of time to right the ship. They need to move on from Arun before its too late. He doesn’t value employees, which is why all of their top talent left to competitors. Any COO that blocks salespeople from selling and removes revenue from sales compensation and goals should be replaced.

  6. Sean

    This just shows yet again that railroads work better. I recently ordered a book online. It was shipped from PA to WA in 3 days by UPS ground. This means it was shipped by rail. It left on a Tuesday afternoon from a UPS facility and received at another UPS facility by Friday at noon. 2900 miles. Railroads do better than trucks in long distance in both fuel and volume cargo and manpower costs.

  7. A Mel S

    From my beginnings as an company driver back in 2004, C.H. Robinson has always maintained a terrible reputation with small to mid sized carriers. Years later, Independent Owner Operators myself included, would never touch a CH Robinson load. Ever!

  8. Matt

    Building technology as a differentiator takes years… not months to incorporate it into the day-to-day of an enterprise scale business. CHR made the investment way too late.

    The only way to stop the bleeding is to dramatically change the culture and to move as fast as a startup. That’s not going to happen.

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Craig Fuller, CEO at FreightWaves

Craig Fuller is CEO and Founder of FreightWaves, the only freight-focused organization that delivers a complete and comprehensive view of the freight and logistics market. FreightWaves’ news, content, market data, insights, analytics, innovative engagement and risk management tools are unprecedented and unmatched in the industry. Prior to founding FreightWaves, Fuller was the founder and CEO of TransCard, a fleet payment processor that was sold to US Bank. He also is a trucking industry veteran, having founded and managed the Xpress Direct division of US Xpress Enterprises, the largest provider of on-demand trucking services in North America.