Representatives to the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) from the State Department and the Maritime Administration said a study group advising the government about a proposed international convention to streamline the carriage of goods by sea will hold a meeting in Washington, D.C. on July 31.
The meeting will be held from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the law offices of Holland & Knight, Suite 100, 2099 Pennsylvania Ave.
A prior draft text prepared by the Comite Maritime International (CMI) at the request of UNCITRAL, and the report of the first UNCITRAL Working Group, held at the United Nations in New York last spring, will comprise the basic, on-going working document for a new cargo regime. These documents are available online at www.uncitral.org.
“The purpose of the study group meeting is to assist the departments of State and Transportation in determining U.S. views for the second session of the UNCITRAL Working Group on this draft instrument, to be held in Vienna, Austria, Sept. 16-20, 2002,” said Mary Helen Carlson, attorney-adviser, office of the legal adviser for private international law in the State Department.
“Persons who want their views considered are encouraged to submit written comments in advance of the meeting,” said Edmunt T. Sommer, Jr., chief, division of general and international law, office of the chief counsel for the MarAd.