USTR public meeting on Andean free-trade agreement
The U.S. Trade Representative will hold a public meeting in Washington March 17 to help sharpen its negotiating objectives for a proposed U.S. free-trade agreement with four Andean countries.
On Nov. 18, the USTR informed Congress of President Bush’s intent to negotiate a free-trade agreement with Colombia, Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia.
During the public hearing, USTR will invite comments and testimony about general and commodity-specific objectives for the agreement. The agency also wants to know about potential economic costs and benefits to U.S. producers and consumers from removing tariffs and non-tariff barriers to U.S.-Andean trade.
In addition, the USTR said it wants to know the adequacy of existing customs measures to ensure Andean origin of imported goods and existing Andean countries’ sanitary and phytosanitary measures for agricultural products.
The USTR said the hearing would last longer than a day, if necessary. For more information about the hearing, contact Gloria Blue at (202) 395-3475.