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Virginia terminals uses APS portal

Virginia terminals uses APS portal

   APS Technology announced that Virginia International Terminals is using its optical character recognition system to automate container and truck license plate identification for improved security and throughput.

   The APS Gate OCR Portal automatically captures container and truck chassis numbers, providing storage and retrieval capability the moment they pass through the portal. The pictures captured may be used for inspections.

   Currently, inspectors walk around the equipment, making visual inspections of containers and equipment. APS said with the new system containers can be inspected inside the facility from photos, away from the danger of moving vehicles and large equipment.

   APS said the new gate system will handle more cargo and is expected to reduce turn times for truckers entering and exiting the facility.    Once the gate modernization is complete, port police will also be able to remotely operate the security check process.

San Diego-based APS has installed about 700 OCR and automation systems at 35 marine and intermodal container terminals in 10 countries.